Can I download the PADDD database?

Yes. All data that have been validated following peer-review are available for download. Please click here to access the Zenodo page.

How do I cite PADDDtracker.org?

World Wildlife Fund. (year). PADDDtracker.org. Retrieved (month, day, year), from https://www.padddtracker.org

How do I cite the PADDD Web Map accessed through PADDDtracker.org?

Conservation International & World Wildlife Fund. (year). Resilience Atlas: PADDDtracker.org Retrieved (month, day, year), from https://paddd.resilienceatlas.org/map?center=lat%3D11.350796722383672%26lng%3D0.703125&layers=%5B%7B%22id%22%3A2094%2C%22opacity%22%3A1%2C%22order%22%3Anull%7D%2C%7B%22id%22%3A2097%2C%22opacity%22%3A1%2C%22order%22%3A1%7D%5D&tab=layers&zoom=3

How do I cite the PADDD data available for download through PADDDTracker.org and Zenodo?

Conservation International, & World Wildlife Fund. (2021). PADDDtracker Data Release Version 2.1 (2.1) [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4974336

How do I ensure that I’m seeing the most up-to-date data on PADDDtracker.org?

PADDDtracker.org is updated periodically. If you’ve visited PADDDtracker.org before and you want to make sure you’re seeing all the newest data, please clear your cache and reload your browser. On the interactive map, toggle the layers on and off if they do not render right away.

Do you track new protected areas or protected area growth?

PADDDtracker is intended to document legal changes to protected areas that temper regulations, reduce their size, or remove protections completely. We do not document the upgrades, expansion of, or creation of new protected areas. See Protected Planet to view current and new protected areas.

Are you tracking illegal activities and protected area management effectiveness?

PADDDtracker is focused on documenting legal changes to protected areas. We do not document illegal activities or protected area management. You can find more information on protected area management here.

Do you consider Indigenous lands, private reserves, conservation easements, land trusts, conservancies, etc. as protected areas?

PADDDtracker.org currently collects data for state-designated protected areas. For a given country, state-designated protected area categories meeting the IUCN definition will be considered as protected areas in the PADDD research. We do not include privately protected areas, community conservancies, and conservation designations by international agencies (e.g. UNESCO World Heritage Sites, RAMSAR wetlands).

On your protected area base map, a protected area is missing/incorrect. Where should I report it?

The protected area layer is produced and updated by www.protectedplanet.net. If you see any errors in the protected area layer, please report them on the Protected Planet  website directly.

What are IUCN categories?

IUCN protected area management categories classify protected areas according to their management objectives. The categories are recognized by international bodies such as the United Nations and by many national governments as the global standard for defining and recording protected areas and as such are increasingly being incorporated into government legislation. For more, visit the IUCN website.

How do you ensure the quality of data on PADDDtracker.org?

All data are collected and verified by trained individuals on our team following standards in the technical guide. Nearly all data available for download have been validated following peer-reviewed publication. See more information on the small portion of data included in the latest data release here.

Where can I learn more about PADDD?

Check out our publications page here.